The client
Activities included a tree survey to BS 5837:2012, Arboricultural Impact Assessment, and an Arboricultural Method Statement.
Tree locations were plotted through a GPS receiver linked to a handheld data collection device. Areas of the site are included on the Ancient Woodland Inventory Scotland as Ancient woodland of semi-natural origin.
An Arboricultural Management Plan and scheme of compensatory planting and natural regeneration were prepared, following consultation with the Highland Council Forestry officer, Forest Land Scotland and other stakeholders.
Clerk of Works
Arboricultural site supervision was undertaken through an Arboricultural Clerk of Works, working closely with the Ecological Clerk of Works, to deliver the prescribed tree protection and site monitoring measures.
The Allt Mhuic Hydro Scheme was subject to significant media attention and gained planning consent on appeal.
The results
- A successful planning outcome for a green energy, run of the river hydro scheme allowing the Scottish Government to meet ambitious renewable energy targets
- Significant compensatory planting and ‘Scottish Rainforest’ restoration
- Collaborative working between protect partners and a diverse range of specialist consultants Minimal damage to the unique Scottish landscape and flora and fauna