The client
Engie Regeneration Ltd (now Equans)
Station Approach is new, purpose-built accommodation for Hereford College of Arts students in the heart of the city. It has been specifically designed for the college with involvement from both the staff and students during the conceptual design stage. The building will operate as a homely, creative hub.
Landscape design
Working alongside the architects, our Landscape team produced a Landscape Strategy for the scheme, which was developed into detailed hard and soft landscape proposals. The careful selection of landscape materials sought to reflect the modern, dynamic nature of the development.
The landscape design was fully co-ordinated with the architects and engineers to deliver the proposals through RIBA Stages 4 to 6. Our Arboriculture and Ecology teams were also involved, playing an important role in helping to secure the BREEAM ‘very good’ rating. Successful delivery on site was achieved in early 2022.

Other deliverables
- Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA)
- Method Statement (AMS)
- Tree Protection Plan (TPP) Report
- Site supervision
- Preliminary Ecological Assessment
- Detailed biodiversity enhancement plan including recommendations with regards to Lighting, Ecological Clerk of Works, Production of BREEAM Assessment (including production of 5 year LEMP); Production of Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP)