
With 30 years’ experience working within ESG and sustainability, Colin has decades of knowledge and has performed at executive and director levels, developing sustainability and ESG strategies, programmes, initiatives, research, and thought leadership, through strong project management, innovative solution solving, stakeholder engagement and collaborative working.

Colin has gained recognition for his work in the field of ESG and sustainability both nationally and internationally, winning national sustainability and environmental awards and being shortlisted for an international sustainable design award. His research is embedded in legislation such as the Climate Change Act (Scotland) 2009 and in the development of UK legal mechanisms such as Climate Change Burdens. He is also a regular speaker at ESG and sustainability events, conferences and summits including speaking at COP26.

Colin has worked for a wide range of national and international corporations, organisations, associations and governments as well as recognised brands including FTSE 25 organisations, McLaren Racing, FIFA, Royal Bank of Scotland, the UK steel sector, UK energy sector, UK finance sector, Middle East Oil and Gas sector, UK, Scottish, and South Korean Governments.

He has worked alongside a wide range of organisations to develop and deliver ESG and net zero strategies, reporting and programmes for SMEs and for recognised brands such as and including Goldman Sachs, Deloitte, PWC, Neom, WWF, and Unicef.

His work has included a series of firsts that include:

  • The development of world’s first fully circular F1 racing car programme (McLaren Racing)
  • The development of the UK’s first energy performance certificate verification scheme
  • Heading up an element of the UK’s first national circularity programme
  • The development and verification of ESG ratings tools for investors and consultancies

With an academic background in architecture and ecological design, Colin worked in architectural practice early in his career and has had strong connections to academia over the last 30 years. This includes engagement with the University of Oxford, University of Edinburgh, and Edinburgh Napier University. At an industry level, he has previously held Steering Group positions including the UK Business Council for Sustainable Development (UK-BCSD).