

Faye has a passion for sustainable development and is a leading expert in Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and Natural Capital Assessments.  

She has extensive ecological experience and works with our clients to overcome constraints and deliver net gain.  Faye is licensed to survey for bats, great crested newts (GCN), and dormice, and has been the Named Ecologist / Accredited Agent on development licences for bats, badgers and GCN.   Faye holds a water vole displacement licence and has prepared written proof of evidence for planning appeals concerning water voles and badgers.   

Before joining Ecus, Faye was the Lead Ecologist acting on behalf of Cheshire Wildlife Trust, working alongside Natural England, Cheshire West and Chester Council, and Cheshire East Council to develop District Level Licensing for the Cheshire District.  Faye has also been a member of the North East Wales Biodiversity Group and North East Wales Reptile and Amphibian Network. She worked with Natural Resources Wales, local authority biodiversity officers, and other volunteer groups and conservation charities to direct conservation action, policy and legislation in North Wales.  

Faye is co-chair of the IEMA BNG and Natural Capital Steering Group, as well as the 2022 Yorkshire and North East Chair of Women in Property, with a focus on encouraging diversity within the sector.